03. Whisper it: audio is intimate
03. Whisper it: audio is intimate
Message Heard brings you, Audio is Powerful, a six-part ‘bite-size’ series that looks at demonstrating the effectiveness of utilising audio in your brands messaging, and the ability it gives you to connect on a deeper level with your audience.
In this 3rd Episode, we take you through the unique intimacy podcasting brings as a medium, illustrating how it creates a deeply personal connection by speaking directly into the listener's ears. Exploring the immersive nature of audio, where voices seem to originate from within the listener's own mind, and showcases the medium's creative potential through playful stereo effects.
“Great audio creates a deep, personal connection.
There’s no picture you can paint that’s as vivid as the one that’s in the mind of your listener.”
Ready to take your brand's storytelling to new heights? Discover the power of sound with Message Heard.
Audio is intimate. I’m being quite literal when I say that there is no way to get closer to someone than with audio. If you’re listening to my voice on headphones, as most podcast listeners do, try to locate my voice in 3D space around you… and you’ll fail. Because my voice isn’t coming from around you. It’s coming from the very centre of your skull. See? Isn’t that wild? That’s what I mean when I say audio is an intimate medium that brings you closer to your audience than anything else; who else gets to whisper in your ear like this? And that’s not all we can do with audio. I can catch your attention over here [fx] or I can even have a conversation with myself in stereo space, can’t I, Chris? Yes, Chris, you can. Wow, Chris, that’s so cool! I know, Chris! Audio is fun, audio is intimate, audio is powerful. We’re Message Heard, and we make podcasts with purpose.