How to Repurpose Your Podcast Content

Podcasting is a powerful part of any content strategy. But not just because of the added storytelling capacity that audio provides – but because it can provide a boost to all your other content creation efforts! In this blog, we unpack how to repurpose your podcast content so that your entire content strategy benefits.

What does it mean to repurpose podcast content?

Repurposing is, in essence, recycling. It’s taking a piece of content you’ve already created and finding creative new ways to reuse it. The key is in the transformation: it’s about being aware of the format the content originally appeared in, and the new format it might take, transforming the mode of storytelling so that it is appropriate and authentic in its new form.

Why reuse your podcast content?

There are a lot of good reasons to repurpose. Here are just three of them:

More bang for your buck

Making a podcast takes time, effort, and money, of course! So why not get more from your hard work? It’s all about working smarter, not harder. The first big benefit to repurposing your podcast content is this: you get a lot more great content out of your one production effort. It works in all directions: your existing podcast can augment your general content offering, and your existing content offering can be expanded upon through podcasting! We’ve also written all about how you can take that blog on your website and turn it into a great podcast, so you can get some ideas for your future podcast there.

Further your reach

It’s not enough to share your message just once – and often, this means you never quite reach the people you might want to target! Repurposing creates an important opportunity for furthering your reach and audience, not only by attracting more people to engage with your podcast (further validating the time and effort you’ve put into creating it), but also by boosting your overall engagement on other owned platforms – whether it’s your website, social media presence or email. It’s all about taking one great source and maximising it to create omnichannel content that works at scale. Don’t forget, that you might also be tapping into people who struggle to listen to audio, ensuring that your podcast content is as accessible as possible.

Build authority

Making a podcast often means having a chance to showcase your knowledge or the knowledge of key people in your brand, as well as the impact or contribution your brand makes in a specific sector. This is the beginning of proving your authority on a subject – and by repurposing this across channels, you have a chance to expand that trust into new areas, so more people know just how important you and your brand are to a specific topic area.

What could your podcast content be used for?

Okay, so we can see there are good motives behind repurposing! But to what end? Let’s explore what more your podcast could do for your content strategy:


Have you heard of an audiogram? If not, here’s the deal: YouTube is the biggest podcast platform in the world. You read that right! With social media platforms like Instagram placing a big emphasis on video moving forward, and YouTube one of the most popular places to discover podcasts online, audiograms represent the way forward for many podcasters hoping to be discovered on YouTube and beyond. It’s simple: you take either the whole or a section of your audio and pair it with a still image of graphic, often accompanied by an animated waveform. This way, your entire episode has a place to live on socials, even if you aren’t creating video footage to accompany your podcasting efforts.

But they can also be used in short-format ways, by taking a specific clip from your longer podcast content in order to hook followers from your social media platforms. It’s a quick teaser, but might also represent interesting and valuable content all on its own – delivering what your audience needs without hearing the entire episode.


Want to expand on a story within one of your podcast episodes? A blog might just be the perfect way to dig in deeper. Alternatively, you might want to summarise key insights from your episodes in an easy-to-access format. Again, a blog can deliver.

Take the example of the very popular Tim Ferriss podcast. Tim’s blog has a section dedicated to highlighting key points from the episode, interesting notes and further resources, as well as housing the audio file itself. This way, Tim’s site is updated using the expertise and knowledge gained from each episode he releases. It’s a good example of how to use this strategy effectively.

Just be aware that a good blog is not the same as a straight transcription of your podcast content. It’s a medium all of its own and needs to be respected. Think about how the structure of the information you want to share can be used in a way that serves as a blog post. With a few edits and careful structuring, you can take a wealth of raw material from a podcast and transform it into valuable blog content!

Website content

Beyond blogging, podcasting provides great material that can be transcribed and shared to boost your overall website content. Transcripts are some work to generate, but they are a great way of making sure that every element of your podcast makes it onto another content platform.

This is huge for Search Engine Optimization. Why? Because, while Google has been working hard to make it possible to analyse audio, this isn’t totally accurate yet. Once you’ve got a text format alongside your audio offering, you’re golden – all of that great content now serves to boost your search presence and the overall value delivered by your website. There’s space to add keywords, backlinks, internal links, and more, to boost the overall content.


Looking for new ways to bring in your audience via email? Sharing your podcasts can be a great alternative to linking in long reads. If you already have some followers eager for your podcast content, this is a great way to keep them engaged in between episodes, or a great marketing tool to draw them back in when a new episode is released.

You might also offer insights into the behind the scenes of your podcast creation or use the email space to provide more interesting information that supports a particular episode. Build your authority and your relatability at the same time.


We’re visual creatures, and infographics are great for demonstrating your knowledge in an eye-catching way. An infographic is a simple set of explanatory images with minimal text, which help to give you an overview of a topic in an easy-to-digest way. With an infographic, the key takeaways from your podcast can be shared easily and quickly.  

Can I repurpose any audio in this way?

Yes, you absolutely can! We provide audio ads services to our clients, helping to further their marketing efforts by advertising products and services in other people’s podcasts. And you can repurpose these ads as well! Just the same as any podcast, this audio can be reused on social media, for instance, furthering the power of a single advertisement.

What if I don’t have a podcast yet?

Then hopefully this blog has shown you just how impactful it can be to get started! If you’ve been debating about the bigger value of having a podcast, repurposing proves just how much can be made to improve your overall marketing strategy and its deliveryContact us if you need help producing your own content catalyst.

Time to repurpose your podcast!

Your creativity is the only limit on how you repurpose your podcast. We hope this blog inspired you to start thinking about the value of creating a rich content source that can feed into all your wider marketing strategies and goals!


How to Market Your Podcast: Your Perfect Launch Checklist


Podcast Audiograms